Understanding the future of work in the face of the climate crisis

We have a workshop to help improve your teams climate literacy

Workshop Details

Begin Your Climate Literacy Journey

Virtual Consultation Remote Work

Virtual Consultation

Book a complimentary 30 min virtual consultation to explore how we can help you plan for the future of work in the face of the climate crisis

Virtual Work Skills for the Modern Workplace


Enroll your team in one of our Climate Literacy workshops to help them dramatically improve their climate literacy and prepare to live in a world beyond +1.5ºC

Peter du Toit - Speaker Remote Work-s


Book Peter du Toit, FutureWork IQ’s founder, to speak at your next event or present a climate literacy workshop for your team

We bring climate education into the workplace

Be Proactive | Increase Climate Literacy | Become More Resilient

Who We’ve Worked With

Ready to find out how we can help you design a resilient workplace in the face of the unfolding climate crisis?

Book a complimentary virtual consultation to discuss the options