A discussion on this data should be part of your next leadership meeting agenda.

The latest IPCC emissions report card shows we are completely off track and what we have to do next involves “deep, rapid and sustained emissions reductions” if we are to stand a chance at averting a disaster.
This means:
1. Putting a strategy in place to up your teams Carbon Literacy.
2. Having a very clear picture of ALL your fossil fuel touch points.
2. Having a clear immediate decoupling strategy.
To help with all of the above I would strongly recommend everyone on the leadership team familiarise themselves with the new IPCC report on climate mitigation and Chapter 5 of this report in particular.
We have absolutely no time to lose. The leadership teams which are currently leading organisations are the ones that need to act on this. This is our leadership challenge and we need to find solutions for this NOW.
Has the emission reduction conversation been discussed yet in your boardroom?
Ending daily commutes can have an impact
During the press briefing when this report, Diana Urge-Vorsatz, the Working Group III Vice-Chair was asked whether the pandemic response informed some of the mitigation recommendations in this report?
Her was her answer:
(Note: The report states: “Socio-cultural factors can contribute up to 15% to land transport GHG emissions reduction by 2050, with 5% as our central estimate. Active mobility, such as walking and cycling, has 2%-10% potential in GHG emissions reduction. Well-design teleworking and telecommuting policies can at least reduce transport related GHG emissions by 1%. A systematic review demonstrates that 26 of 39 studies identified suggest that teleworking reduces energy use, induced mainly by distance traveled.”)
Every single % point matters in an emergency response. Why? The report states: that “projected [global] emissions [must] peak as soon as possible between 2020 and at latest before 2025.” to avoid a 1.5ºC overshoot. As we know, every .5º increase after that exponentially increases the risk of harm to billions of people.
We have to throw everything at this and there are practical steps we can immediately take to limit carbon emissions associate with our businesses.