If your business or career is in any shape or form linked to aviation I strongly recommend that you put an urgent strategy in place to decouple from it.
Transportation is coming under great scrutiny as a result of its CO2 emissions responsibility. Radical regulations are being drafted to stop the biggest emitters.
Aircraft sit right on top to the list.
There is a real possibility that short-haul domestic flights could be banned altogether, as they are considering in Germany for example.
There is also a conversation happening around giving people an “air mile allowance” This would work something like this:
“Everyone could be given an air mile allowance – say enough for one long-haul return flight a year, or three short-haul flights, so people with families on the other side of the world could see them once a year. If you don’t want to use your allowance, you could sell it off in a government-regulated online marketplace. If you’re keen to do a holiday a month, you’ll have to buy your allowance from someone else.”
My suggestion:
Begin immediately to learn how to run effective meetings online (reach out if you need tips)
If you are a speaker learn to speak online,
If you arrange events of any kind learn to present these online.
“Change before you have to”— Jack Welch former CEO General Electric