I'm the founder of FutureWork IQ where I spend my time assisting businesses to improve their climate literacy so as to understand the projected impacts from the expanding climate crisis and how to adapt their workplaces in the face of these impacts.

remote work challenges

My experience is that large numbers of people are struggling with communication and collaboration because they have not mastered the art of digital storytelling (ie lack sufficient digital fluency)

Here is a quick test. Do you know how to do the following digitally?

1) Demonstrate emotion
2) Create closeness

And do you know how to do the above using all the digital communication channels available to you? Text, images (with markup), audio and video?

👉🏻 “Thus, family photographs and snapshots, maps and hand-drawn sketches, typography and layout, and even colour, graphic frames and margins are semiotic resources as much as written language and speech are, since all of these modes can be drawn into processes of meaning-making and communication” (From Storyworlds across Media: Toward a Media-Conscious Narratology)

The technology we have at our disposal can very much enable you to be as effective in creating rapport and connection at distance as you can in-person.

You just have to know how.