I'm the founder of FutureWork IQ where I spend my time assisting businesses to improve their climate literacy so as to understand the projected impacts from the expanding climate crisis and how to adapt their workplaces in the face of these impacts.

The Washington Post published this piece entitled Coming to a couch near you: A brave new world of telework in the coronavirus era Quoting a manager:

“I can see that they keep logging into Facebook, posting photos on their stories, showing up on online games,” he said of his employees, who are scattered across Hong Kong and several Chinese cities. A favorite is “Wangzhe Rongyao,” or “Honor of Kings,” a multiplayer fantasy battle game based on historical Chinese heroes. “They are always online there, and they think I can’t see them!”

My response to this is “So what?”

Lets break this down. When you hire someone, you hire them to produce a certain result for the company correct? There are tasks they need to accomplish daily, weekly or monthly right? Do you have a way of knowing whether an individual is completing their tasks on time and with the necessary quality? Yes? Well then the rest is of no consequence is it? If an individual is reaching their targets then whether they are on social media or playing online games really doesn’t matter does it?

Of course, if the person is NOT accomplishing their tasks on time and they are not available for their colleagues when they should be or they are absent from online meetings that’s another matter altogether. NOW you have a problem.