“Multiple lines of evidence indicate that, due to insufficient mitigation of GHGs, no pathway remains that avoids exceeding 1.5°C global warming for at least some decades.”
“During overshoot of 1.5°C warming, risks become increasingly severe with every increment of global warming. Impacts for humans and ecosystems worsen in relation to the magnitude and duration of overshoot period (i.e. by how much and for how long temperatures exceed 1.5°C). Impacts include loss and damage due to heatwave exposure and other extreme events, especially in tropical countries, as well as accelerated loss of biodiversity.”
Confronting this reality head-on will help in avoiding some disruption.
Climate Literacy means understanding what this means for the physical area you are in and what it means for any of your supply chains.
It is also means understanding what adaptation “hard limits” are and what that means for choices that will need to be made.
For instance, rising sea levels capable of submerging coastal communities and extreme heat intolerable to the human body, are examples of ‘hard’ limits to our ability to adapt.
What happens when these hard limits are reached in your area?
Having continuity plans in place to deal with these scenarios is critical for leadership teams.