This from their Predictions 2022 Europe insights
Ten percent of companies will commit to a fully remote future. For the remaining 90%, vaccine mandates will lead to complications but won’t be the cause of most return-to- office failures. The real pain will be felt at the 60% of companies shifting to a hybrid model: One-third of first attempts at anywhere- work simply won’t work.
Leaders will claim support for hybrid work but still design meetings, job roles, and promotion opportunities around face-to-face experiences. When it’s clear that productivity is suffering, these same execs will blame hybrid work rather than looking in the mirror at the real culprit.
A smaller number of failures will come from the 30% of companies that insist on a fully in- office model, only to find that employees simply won’t have it. Attrition at these companies will rise above their industry averages — monthly resignation rates will rise as high as 2.5% for as much of 2022 as needed until executives feel the pain and finally commit to making hybrid work … work.
I agree with this!
Here is why. If the following is not in in place, it is not possible for sustainable long-term remote working:
- A meticulously designed digital workplace that enables seamless anywhere working.
- A leadership team that has the skill to lead a virtual team.
- An organization which has high levels of digital literacy and fluency across all teams.
- A deep understanding of the long established work-from-anywhere principles.
How many businesses do you know that have put in the effort to tick all these boxes?