I'm the founder of FutureWork IQ where I spend my time assisting businesses to improve their climate literacy so as to understand the projected impacts from the expanding climate crisis and how to adapt their workplaces in the face of these impacts.

In this excellent piece entitled Remote Reservations: Why Managers Are Afraid To Let Employees Work Virtually the author explores the myths surrounding remote working. Each myth is dealt with in detail. Great read.

Here they are:

Myth #1: “My team only wants to work remotely so they can work from the beach.”
Myth #2: “If I let one employee work remotely, I’ll have to let everyone work remotely.”
Myth #3: “My business will lose credibility or prestige without an office space for client meetings.” Myth #4: “Promotions are instinctively based on visibility, so if my team members work offsite they will be sacrificing career growth.”
Myth #5: “I need my team close by in case I urgently need to speak with them.”
Myth #6: “If workers work remotely, they’ll be distracted by laundry and kids and traveling and never get any work done.”

Which have you heard?