I'm the founder of FutureWork IQ where I spend my time assisting businesses to improve their climate literacy so as to understand the projected impacts from the expanding climate crisis and how to adapt their workplaces in the face of these impacts.

The science is very clear – the climate disaster is here (See this excellent piece of journalism using the current available science to inform on what happens next The climate disaster is here — this is what the future looks like)

The International Energy Agency has just released its World Energy Outlook 2021 report which is intended to assist governments in implementing policies that will ensure we dramatically change the current emission trajectory we are on.

To transition the global economy to a low-carbon economy is extremely complex as the 386 page report clearly shows.

I would like to highlight one piece from this report. The available data shows the role that behavioural change can play in this transition and estimates that this can contribute 1Gt of emission reductions by 2030, notably in the transport sector.

Note the recommended changes in the table below

Here is my prediction: Remote working and online conferences and meetings are going to need to become the norm and if they don’t then these behaviours will be mandated.

Ending the daily fossil fuel powered commute of 1 billion knowledge workers is front and centre to reducing transportation emissions.

I keep saying this to leadership teams: The pandemic, with its associated lockdowns and forced remote working, should be used to re-engineer how you work and from where – permanently. This will help you avoid being forced into this situation yet again.

Make the change now.
Solve your work-from-anywhere challenges now.
Gain the digital literacy and fluency skills now.

You will not regret this work.

The climate crisis and what we have to do to mitigate against it is going to be a painful exercise, but you can reduce that pain by taking action now.

The climate crisis and what we have to do to mitigate against it is going to be a painful exercise, but you can reduce that pain by taking action now.

Change before you have to!