World Economic Forum 2020 Global Risks Report.
“In this year’s Global Risks Report – the 15th edition – all five of the top risks by likelihood, and three by impact are climate-related. Never before has one issue dominated the survey in this way,.”
They are:
Extreme Weather
Climate action failure
Natural disasters
Biodiversity loss
Human-made environmental disaster
NOAA/NASA Annual Global Analysis for 2019
“The past decade was the hottest on record, the latest sign of global warming’s grip on the planet.”
ACTION REQUIRED: Climate change mitigation and adaptation must become a high priority. Take a careful look at what you do. How dependent are you on burning fossil fuels? Put a plan in place to limit your exposure to that.
Example of goals you could set for this year and coming decade:
🌍Become Climate Conscious
👩🏻🎓Become Carbon Literate
🗳️Vote climate deniers out of office
🚘Drive less (switch to EV transportation if possible)
✈️Fly less or not at all (the worst transport choice)
☀️Switch to renewable electrical energy