Those traditional in-office companies, who early in the pandemic, invested in improving team digital literacy, including how to communicate effectively using digital tools, found their sudden forced...
Return to Office – why some think that is a good idea
23 Mar, 2022
SWAA March 2022 Updates Let's unpack this data on why return to office (RTO) is desirable to some (Context, most respondents were forced into unplanned remote working, at short notice, because of...
The impact of hybrid working
27 Feb, 2022
Take a look at the shift in sentiment from October 2021 to January 2022 Bay Area Council Employer Network: Return to Transit Tracking Poll Do not underestimate the impact of this major shift! For...
No, hybrid working is not the problem
19 Jan, 2022
It's time to admit that hybrid is not working I strongly disagree with this view. Here is why: There are some extremely successful companies that are fully distributed and office-less and have been...
The rapidly evolving future of work
16 Jan, 2022
This past week was filled with examples of how rapidly the future of work is evolving. Here are the highlights. The future of work has reached South African shores Over on Business Tech there was...
Work has been liberated from an office – now what?
26 Nov, 2021
Technology has liberated work from the four walls of a physical office. How much of that freedom will you embrace? (Remember the flea in the jar?) Here are your choices: Reimagining the postpandemic...
Why you can’t straddle two operating systems
17 Nov, 2021
Slowly but surely it is beginning to dawn on leadership teams that attempting to straddle two operating systems (ie in-person working AND remote working) is really hard as the two are not compatible...
Hybrid work challenges
14 Nov, 2021
In this interview with Emma Goldberg of the NYT she references this comment by Andi Owen, the chief executive of MillerKnoll, who warned that workers who resist going back to the office could find...
Prof Nickolas Bloom: Don’t Let Employees Pick Their WFH Days
12 Nov, 2021
Hybrid working is really hard to manage and I give the same advice to leadership teams as Prof. Bloom does, as is outlined in this piece by Prof Nickolas BloomHere is one of the reasons: "One...
Forrester: Companies will fail at anywhere-work
28 Oct, 2021
This from their Predictions 2022 Europe insights Ten percent of companies will commit to a fully remote future. For the remaining 90%, vaccine mandates will lead to complications but won’t be the...
Why ending the daily commute will have a major emissions impact
24 Oct, 2021
In our race to dramatically reduce emissions we need to analyze every emission source and ask: “Can we dramatically reduce or eliminate this emission source?” From the data, Electricity & Heat...
Hybrid Working — One of the biggest challenges
9 Oct, 2021
When you have two communication channels, one in-person and the other digital, you will have communication breakdowns and knowledge leaks, essentially leading to a two-tier workplace, where those...